
Format: 2024
Ordinance ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2016-22 Amending the FY17 Budget to Account for the Purchase of USS 3307 in Long Bay Thu 10/20/16 Link
2016-21 Amending SMC Chapter 5.08 Ground Transportation and Vehicle Rental of Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations to Provide for the Regulation of Guided Tours, and to Correct Erroneous Code Cross-References Thu 10/20/16 Link
2016-20 Amending Title 3 by Amending Sections 3.17.010, 3.17.020 and 3.17.055 to Provide Clarification of the Relationship and Governance of the Dahl Memorial Clinic and the Skagway Borough Assembly and to Clarify Provisions Related to Federal Grant Guidelines Thu 10/6/16 Link
2016-19 Authorizing the Municipality of Skagway to Lease Waterfront Property to Ocean Raft Alaska LLC Thu 9/15/16 Link
2016-18 Amending SMC 5.08.020 Motor Vehicle Rental Agencies of Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations, and SMC 10.02.055 Golf Carts and Golf Cart Type Vehicles of Title 10 Vehicles and Traffic Thu 10/6/16 Link
2016-17 Amending SMC 10.02.070 Parking Restrictions of Title 10 Vehicles and Traffic to Prohibit Parking Within Twenty (20) Feet of Any Street Intersection Thu 9/1/16 Link
2016-16 Amending SMC 13.20.100 Penalties, of Title 13 Public Utilities, to Provide That Violations of SMC Chapter 13.20 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal are Subject to Civil Fines Thu 9/1/16 Link
2016-15 Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to Exceed $6,000,000 to Finance Costs of Developing and Constructing a Senior Center and Apartments Tue 10/4/16 Link
2016-14 Amending SMC Chapter 4.08 Sales Taxation and SMC 5.04 Business Licenses to Amend the Annual Business License Fee and Remove the Provision for Quarterly Sales Tax Return Compensation Thu 7/21/16 Link
2016-13 Authorizing the Municipality of Skagway to Lease Waterfront Property to Taiya Marine Services Thu 6/16/16 Link
2016-12 Amending SMC Chapter 13.08 Water Service System, of Title 13 Public Utilities, and SMC Chapter 19.02 Planning Commission and Administrative Provisions, of Title 19 Planning and Zoning, to Address Standards and Allowances for Accessory Housing Structures Thu 6/16/16 Link
2016-11 Amending SMC Chapter 13.22 Solid Waste Advisory Committee, of Title 13 Public Utilities, to Provide for One Alternate Member of the Committee Thu 6/16/16 Link
2016-10 Amending SMC Chapter 6.01 General Provisions, of Title 6 Animals, to Provide That Violations of Title 6 are Subject to Civil Fines Thu 5/19/16 Link
2016-09 Providing for the Establishment and Adoption of the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2017 Thu 6/16/16 Link
2016-08 Amending SMC 3.01.035 and 3.01.040 to Define Excused Absences for the Mayor and Assembly for the Purpose of Determining Vacancies, and Amending SMC 3.01.070 Teleconferencing to Specify That This Section Only Applies to Regular Assembly Meetings Thu 4/7/16 Link
2016-07 Amending Title 3 Administration and Personnel, Title 4 Revenue and Finance, and Title 12 Harbors and Ports Thu 4/21/16 Link
2016-06 Amending the FY16 Sales Tax Fund and Clinic Fund Budgets Thu 3/17/16 Link
2016-05 Amending the FY16 Sales Tax, General, Tourism, Capital Projects, CPV Excise Tax, Water/Sewer and Solid Waste Fund Budgets Thu 3/17/16 Link
2016-04 Amending Sections 19.06.020, 19.06.025, and 19.06.030 of Chapter 19.06 of the Zoning Ordinance, to Relax the Standards for Accessory Housing Thu 3/3/16 Link
2016-03 Amending Section 15.15.030 of Title 15 Buildings and Construction, to Define Tiny House Trailers as Recreational Vehicles Thu 2/18/16 Link
2016-02 Amending Chapter 19.06 of the Zoning Ordinance, to Classify Marijuana Business Types in Each of the Zoning Districts Thu 2/18/16 Link
2016-01 Amending the Sales Tax Code to Provide for a One-Percent Year-Round Sales Tax Increase
2015-26 Amending SMC Chapter 9.02 Miscellaneous Provisions to Add Section 9.02.025 Prohibiting the Consumption of Marijuana in Public Areas Thu 12/3/15 Link
2015-25 Amending SMC Chapter 5.12 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to Add Regulations Specific to the Consumption of Marijuana Thu 12/3/15 Link
2015-24 Amending the Sales Tax Code to Provide for a One-Percent Year-Round Sales Tax Increase
