
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2010-31R Declaring the Period of November 26, 2010, Through February 28, 2011, as a Sales Tax Holiday Thu 11/4/10 Link
2010-30R Amending Non-Commercial Use Fees for the Skagway Small Boat Harbor and Repealing Resolution No. 10-11R and Resolution No. 10-17R
2010-29R Seeking Recreational Trails Grant Funding for Assistance with the Upper Dewey Lake Trail Reconstruction Phase III Thu 10/7/10 Link
2010-28R Outlining Guidelines for the Shipment of Metal Ore Through the Port of Skagway Thu 10/7/10 Link
2010-27R Requesting $10,000,000 from the FY11 Passenger Excise Tax Impact Fund for the Port of Skagway Gateway Project Thu 9/16/10 Link
2010-26R Nominating Projects to the Southeast Regional Planning Needs List for the 2012 - 2015 STIP Thu 9/2/10 Link
2010-25R Supporting a Feasibility Study for the Development of Hydro-Electricity in West Creek and Authorizing Administration to Submit a Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application to the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) to Secure Funding Thu 8/5/10 Link
2010-24R Supporting the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Authorizing Administration to Submit a Special Appropriations Act Project (SAAP) Grant Application to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Secure Funding Thu 8/5/10 Link
2010-23R Designating the Skagway Borough as a Recovery Zone Thu 8/5/10 Link
2010-22R Repealing Resolution No. 10-07R, and Amending the Location of SMART Bus Stop Zones
2010-21R Committing Matching Funds for a United States Department of Transportation TIGER II Grant to Assist in Financing the Skagway Port Gateway Project Thu 8/5/10 Link
2010-20R Amending the Municipal SMART Bus Contract by Establishing Service Area Stops Beyond the Downtown Corridor Area as Approved by Resolution 08-23R Thu 7/15/10 Link
2010-19R Formally Submitting a Municipal harbor Facility Grant Application to the State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) in the Amount of $5 Million for the Project Entitled Skagway Small Boat Harbor Phase I(B) Improvements Thu 7/1/10 Link
2010-18R Repealing Resolution No. 98-17R and Resolution No. 03-02R, the General Retention Schedule of the City of Skagway and Establishing a General Retention Schedule for the Municipality of Skagway Thu 7/1/10 Link
2010-17R Amending Resolution No. 10-11R, Commercial Use Fees for the Ferry Float Thu 7/1/10 Link
2010-16R Amending Resolution No. 10-02R by Naming an Incorporated Nonprofit Entity to Receive the FY11 Community Revenue Sharing Program for Dyea Thu 6/17/10 Link
2010-15R Amending the Employee Grade and Step Chart by Implementing a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of 1.8% Based on the Anchorage Consumer Price Index for 2009 and Repealing Resolution No. 10-06R.
2010-14R Supporting the Gateway Project to the Port of Skagway and Authorizing Administration to Submit the TIGER II Grant to Secure Funding Thu 6/17/10 Link
2010-13R Authorizing the Participation of the Skagway Borough PERS Employees in Social Security Wed 6/9/10 Link
2010-12R Amending the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) of Alaska Agreement With the State of Alaska Pursuant to AS 39.35 ET SEQ. by Removing the Classification of Fire Chief From Participation Thu 6/3/10 Link
2010-11R Amending Commercial Use and Non-Commercial use Fees for the Skagway Small Boat Harbor and Repealing Resolution No. 09-16R
2010-10R Adopting the Honor and Remember Flag as our Emblem of, and Urging passage of H.R. 1034 in the 111th Congress Designating the Honor and Remember Flag as the National Emblem Thu 5/20/10 Link
2010-09R Establishing a Fee Structure for the Skagway Community Health, Fitness Family Recreation Center for the Summer Day Camp Program Thu 5/20/10 Link
2010-08R Establishing Fees for Failure to Obtain Dog License, Fees for not having Dog Leashed, Failure to Remove Fecal Matter, Failure to Display Dog License and Repealing Resolution No. 05-19R Thu 5/6/10 Link
2010-07R Repealing Resolution No. 08-23R, and Amending No Parking Zones by the EA and Jenny Rasmuson Community Health Center Thu 5/6/10 Link
