
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2008-15R Amending Resolution No. 08-06R by removing the clinic administrator position from the grade system Thu 8/21/08 Link
2008-14R Repealing Resolution No. 07-17R, and amending Parking zones to not allow parking within 20 feet of all intersections on State Street Thu 7/17/08 Link
2008-13R Authorizing Participation in the U.S. Communities Cooperative Purchasing Alliance Thu 7/3/08 Link
2008-12R Supporting use of the cruise ship initiative tax for bonding and building of the Alaska Grid Thu 6/19/08 Link
2008-11R Repealing Resolution No. 07-17R, and amending SMART zones, Parking zones and Loading zones. Thu 5/1/08 Link
2008-10R Amending the Personnel Policy regarding Seasonal Employment Appointment Rates Thu 5/1/08 Link
2008-09R Amending the Commercial User Fees for clarification at the Skagway Small Boat Harbor and repealing Resolution No. 07-12R. Thu 5/1/08 Link
2008-08R Amending the Personnel Policy regarding overtime compensation Thu 4/17/08 Link
2008-07R Amending the Personnel Policy regarding travel allowance Thu 4/3/08 Link
2008-06R Repealing Resolution No. 07-11R and Resolution No. 07-14R, establishing a grade system for municipal employees and adopting a pay scale Thu 3/6/08 Link
2008-05R Repealing Resolution No. 02-28R and establishing a fee structure for the Skagway Community Health, Fitness Family Recreation Center Thu 2/21/08 Link
2008-04R Repealing Resolution No. 08-02R and establishing towing/hauling, impound and storage fees Thu 2/21/08 Link
2008-03R Authorizing the participation of its elected officials in the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) of Alaska and the payment of the required contributions, pursuant to AS 39.35 Et Seq. Thu 2/7/08 Link
2008-02R Establishing towing/hauling impound, and storage fees. Thu 1/24/08 Link
2008-01R Naming the newly constructed clinic the Edward A. and Jenny Rasmuson Community Health Center Thu 1/10/08 Link
2007-27R Designating the Seawalk Intermodal Access Project Phase III and IV as the Community's priority for funding from the Federal Transit Administration. Tue 11/27/07 Link
2007-26R Designating the Small Boat Harbor Renovation and Partial Penetrating Wave Barrier as the Projects proposed by the Community or participation in the State of Alaska Harbor Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Program. Tue 11/27/07 Link
2007-25R Designating the Booster Station and Well as the Community Priority Project for funding from the State Capital Program Budget. Tue 11/27/07 Link
2007-24R Designating the Dahl Memorial Clinic Relocation and Expansion as the Community Priority Project for funding from the Commercial Passenger Vessel Excise Tax Impact Fund. Tue 11/27/07 Link
2007-23R To Change Signatories for Land Fund Investments Tue 11/27/07 Link
2007-22R Declaring the Period of November 1st of the Year 2007 through December 31st of the Year 2007, as a Sales Tax Holiday Tue 10/23/07 Link
2007-21R Adopting an Alternative Allocation Method for the FY08 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program Tue 10/23/07 Link
2007-20R Adding Fines for Camping in Prohibited Areas Thu 10/4/07 Link
2007-19R Seeking Recreational Trails Grant Funding for assistance with the restoration of the Upper Dewey Lake Trail Facilities Thu 9/20/07 Link
2007-18R Requesting the Director of Lands certify the entitlement of municipal lands under A.S. 29.65.030(B) on an expeditious basis Thu 9/20/07 Link
